Normandy, France

Normandy Main


DATE OF TRIP: April 2023


For the first time in three years, the Normandy trip took place in the final week of term before the Easter break. This hugely popular trip involves a week away at Le Chateau de la Baudonnière in Normandy. It is a French language immersion experience where the students have 100% French input whilst taking part in activities throughout the day. These activities include the popular assault course, archery, climbing wall, bread making, fencing, orienteering, aeroball and ‘photogramme’, where the team of ‘animateurs’ deliver the instructions entirely in French. 

This is a unique opportunity to have a go at activities that our students possibly haven’t tried before. The assault course was very popular, very wet and very muddy! There was a day out to a local French market and a goat farm. Activities were also organised in the evening – games night, treasure hunt, campfire and a disco on the final night ensuring that everyone went to sleep exhausted! In between, students had free time to enjoy a friendly game of football or a chance to chill out in the dormitories which, incidentally, were scored for tidiness throughout the week. 

The experience increased the students’ confidence in using French and widely expanded their vocabulary. All students completed a workbook which reinforced their learning. The students were fabulous – new friendships were formed and new experiences discovered. French night gave the students a chance to try snails! The food throughout the week was excellent and freshly cooked and everyone sat down together to enjoy le petit déjeuner (breakfast), le déjeuner (lunch) and le dîner (dinner) together and clear away afterwards. The school was regularly complimented about the impeccable behaviour and maturity displayed by the students.

The students met up again to share their experiences of the trip with Mr Single and again said how beneficial the trip was as their listening and speaking skills have improved. Many would like to take part in the trip when it runs again next year and hopefully another group of students will have the chance to enjoy this wonderful opportunity.

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