Grammar Plus Stream

GPS Image

The aim of the Grammar Plus Stream is to provide our students with an outstanding ‘Grammar-style’ education within a comprehensive school. We firmly believe in outstanding teaching and learning, high expectations, stretch and challenge but most importantly, that all students are capable of excellence.

Students will opt for their GCSEs at the end of Year 9 and whilst they may follow a traditional Grammar School curriculum, they will also have full access to Homewood's broad and varied curriculum coupled with enhanced opportunities to develop their personal and academic higher level skills.

Therefore students can combine a challenging academic curriculum, including Triple Science with courses which allow them to follow their passions, whether that is in the Performing or Creative Arts, Business or one of the technical subjects such as Catering or Construction. This is simply something Grammar Schools cannot offer.

The Grammar Plus Stream is overseen by the Director and Principal Teacher of Student Achievement with responsibility for the Grammar Plus Stream who will monitor the progress of the students and their aspirational development.

The Homewood Grammar Plus Stream Ethos

  • The aim of the Grammar Plus Stream is to provide our students with an outstanding ‘Grammar-style’ education within a comprehensive school.
  • We firmly believe in outstanding teaching and learning, high expectations, stretch and challenge but most importantly, that all students are capable of excellence.
  • We work together as a team to help students explore their strengths and weaknesses and to maximise their potential to the best of their abilities.

How is it different to traditional Grammar Schools

  • The Grammar Plus Stream classes are in a mixed gender setting. Most Grammar Schools local to Homewood are single sex schools.
  • Students in the GPS can enjoy the wide range of curriculum opportunities Homewood offers. Students are able to engage in subjects they are passionate about.
  • One of the GPS classes will study Mandarin and sign up for the Mandarin Excellence Programme, which is a commitment to studying Mandarin until Year 11.
  • Students who do not study Mandarin in the GPS will study either French and German but will still have the opportunity to study Mandarin in Year 10 as a GCSE.

Why choose the Homewood Grammar Plus Stream?

  • The programme is offered to the highest mean scorers in both the Kent Test and Homewood Test.
  • Our aim is to ensure that the GPS students are not segmented from the rest of the school. They are simply a small part of the whole school community.
  • Homewood provides a wide range of clubs and extracurricular activities to all students. Students within the Grammar Plus Stream will be able to take full advantage of everything on offer.
  • Further enrichment and extension activities will also be offered to all Grammar Plus students for further challenges and motivation.
  • It is expected and anticipated that GPS students will be securing higher/degree apprenticeships and places at the University of their choice when leaving Homewood at the end of Year 13.

Difference between a Grammar Plus Stream class and a traditional Homewood class

  • Grammar Plus Stream students will be following the same syllabus. However, they will have an enhanced curriculum, with challenging tasks and extra-curricular as well as cross-curricular activities. The Grammar Plus Stream will also provide and expect an ethos of high challenge and academic rigour for all its students.

Routes to get into the Homewood Grammar Plus Stream

All routes into the Grammar Plus Stream are dependent on Kent County Council offering Homewood as your chosen secondary school, so it is important that you place Homewood as your secondary school of choice.


A student who sits, and passes the Kent Test (or equivalent tests) will be offered an automatic, guaranteed place in the Grammar Plus Stream. Parents just need to send us evidence of the scores received by their child. Please check relevant correspondence for submission deadlines.


A student who sits, and achieves the highest scores in their cohort for the Homewood Test.


A student who sits the Kent Test, but narrowly misses passing and achieved a high Homewood Test score will often be eligible for a place in the Grammar Stream. Parents in this situation need to send Ms Castle ( the scores so that we can decide whether a Grammar Plus place is appropriate for that individual child. Please check relevant correspondence for submission deadlines.

Places will be confirmed at the end of July 2022.

Testimonials from Grammar Plus Stream students

“It has been amazing! When I found out that I hadn’t passed my 11+ I was really disappointed but then I did the Homewood test and passed! My first few days here have been great I’m so happy to be at this school!” Sarah J

 “It is daunting at first going to a big school with loads of people, but it’s so fun and everyone is so kind and helpful, all the teachers are so kind to. It’s such a good school.” Freya C

“I have been in a normal class and the Grammar Stream. I was welcomed into my new class with a good form tutor. The experience you get in the Grammar Stream will be better as you get pushed to work harder.” Harvey E

“My experience as a Grammar Plus student has been life-changing. Over the last week I’ve made new friends and had so much fun doing the work. Yes, the work might be challenging but that’s the best part of it!” Milly H

“I’m enjoying being a Grammar Plus student, even when I got separated from my primary school friends. I’ve made lots more and I’m having fun with all the challenging lessons and tasks.” Edward V

“I feel extremely privileged to be in the Grammar Stream because it means we get to learn more exciting things! I also feel happy about being in the grammar stream because I like being in a Grammar School without actually being in a Grammar School.” Mina A

“I passed the eleven plus, but the Grammar Stream at Homewood was always the place for me.” Finley K

“I had a place at a Grammar school, but turned it down to study Mandarin at Homewood, it has been brilliant.” Zachary R

“Not passing the eleven plus was devastating but getting into the Grammar Plus Stream at Homewood is a lifetime experience.” Lily J

“My experience is amazing in the Grammar Stream because I feel like I’m in a real Grammar School.” Hollie K

“I am finding the grammar stream really fun and I am very happy that I applied to be in and they accepted, so please apply!” Joshua U

“My experience so far has been great! The teachers have been very kind and helpful and the students are very nice. Also, the lessons are very fun!” Evie W

“Even though I didn’t pass the eleven plus, I am still in the Grammar Plus set at Homewood school. I am having a wonderful time here at Homewood.” Poppy B

“It was worrying at first but you can get over it. It is fun doing Mandarin. It is complicated but it is easy after a couple of lessons. There is a lot of homework but it definitely helps you in class.” Russell D

“Even though I passed the Kent test, I feel that Homewood Grammar Stream helps me to be the best I can be and challenges me in the way a Grammar School would.” Isabel L