Sixth Form

Looking after Your Mental Health Wellbeing

We all have mental health and our mental wellbeing can fluctuate day-to-day. When you’re not feeling great, it can feel harder to take action to benefit your wellbeing. However, there are small steps we can take in our everyday lives to look after our mental wellbeing.


All of us experience anxiety to some degree, it’s a perfectly normal human emotion.



Learning Journey - Sixth Form

Learning Journey - Sixth Form.pdf

Learning journey sixth form


Peer Mentoring



Role of a Peer Mentor

Secondary Model (11-18 year olds)
Model Role of Mentor

Support Mentors (with adult supervision)

1 to 1 drop in sessions at break and lunch times.

Offer safe place for young people to talk, seek advice and make friends.

Staff member present at all times who can offer support, guidance and safeguarding.

Transition Mentors

Support upcoming year 7 students on transition days.

Be available to help young people find way round school during lesson change.

Help young people who are lost in school.

Support young people who have transition concerns.

1 to 1 drop in sessions at break and lunchtimes.

Offer safe place to talk, seek advice, make friends.

Learning/Homework Mentors

Support young people with learning and or homework at specific times during school day.

Support during exam season.

Break Time/Lunchtime Mentors

On rota (school hours only)

On duty in nurture room at break times to support young people play games/craft.